New IPCC report – What we must do to stop the imminent climate Armageddon

It is not the first time that environmentalists have warned about the impending catastrophe awaiting the human race as a result of climate change. But there is renewed urgency in the “devastating” newly released UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report on Monday. The IPCC report warns that we are running out […]

Why the attack on indigenous people is leaving the world poorer

May will remain etched in the memory of the world as the month when more unmarked graves of indigenous children were discovered at the site of what was once Canada’s largest residential school for them, compulsory, funded by the government and run by the church. At the last tally there were over 1,100 such graves […]

Vaccine colonialism meets vaccine cooperation

The “First Meeting of the International Forum on COVID-19 Vaccine Cooperation” is set for August 5. For obvious reasons, the conference will be held by video link. Not all countries are at par yet in containing the coronavirus pandemic, which necessitates social distancing and restriction on travelling across borders. The theme for this inaugural event […]